English bond (1 brick thick)

English Bond L - joint Front Elevation
English Bond is defined as brick bond having a stretcher course and a header course placed alternatively one over the other. English bond is widely used bond and it provides very good strength to brick masonry walls.
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English Bond Odd Course

Figure A: Plan Of Odd course Single English  Bond

In the Figure A above layout of odd course in a English  bond brick L- joint. The odd course has the facing, consisting of stretcher course  as shown in the Figure A above.Further if we focus on  L-joint stretcher in corner has a queen closure placed parallel to it, as shown in Figure C.
Figure C : L-joint in detail
Figure D :Details of L-joint on the perpendicular side facing

Figure E : Facing layout odd course L-joint on front side.

Behind the queen closure, bricks are placed parallel to it such that the outer facing has a course of headers as in  Figure D. Each stretcher in the facing has backing of a stretcher in odd course. Hence odd course appears similar to facing side as in Figure E.  
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 Even Course
The even course has the facing, consisting of Headers placed parallel to  queen closure such that we have a course of headers as shown in the Figure F

Figure F : Layout Even  course L-joint on front side.
Figure G : Corner details in even course
Figure H : Layout details in even course

If we zoom into  L-joint, Header in the corner  has bricks placed so that the other side has a course of stretchers Figure G in the side.Parallel to queen closure bricks are placed such that we have course of headers here Figure H.

English bond  Bond Odd -Even Courses comparison

Figure I : Comparison  of  even - odd course
Queen closure placed in the even course beside the quoin header helps to bring about necessary course lap. Every header comes exactly in the centre of stretcher below it. Joints in stretcher course come in centre of headers of the courses above and below such that sufficient course lap is got here. This is the reason this bond is considered strongest as compared to other bonds.

English  Bond Isometric View

Figure J: Isometric View of the Wall
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