Double Flemish Bond

Double Flemish Bond is defined as brick bond having a header and a stretcher alternatively placed in each course and has same appearance on both of its sides.
When compared to English bond, which has stretchers in every odd course and headers in every even course, Flemish bond is considered weaker but it appears aesthetically better.

Double Flemish Bond Odd Course
In the Figure A above layout of odd course in a Double Flemish bond brick L- joint. The odd course has the facing, consisting of stretcher, header, stretcher, header and so on as shown in the Figure A above. 
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If viewed from front it appears as in Figure B wherein alternatively placed headers and stretchers are visible. Further if we focus on  L-joint stretcher in corner has a queen closure placed parallel to it, as shown in Figure C.Behind the queen closure two bricks are at right angle such that the outer facing has a stretcher. Further a header and stretcher alternatively are placed to form double Flemish bond facing as in Figure D

 Each stretcher in the facing has backing of one stretcher in odd course. Hence odd course appears similar to facing side as in Figure E.

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Double Flemish Bond Even Course
The even course has the facing, consisting of Header, queen closure, further a stretcher and  header placed alternatively as shown in the Figure F.

If we zoom into  L-joint, stretcher in the corner  has a quarter bat is  placed parallel to it, such that total length is equal to header and queen closure placed as shown in Figure G in the side.

Behind the quarter bat one brick is at right angle such that the outer facing has a stretcher. Quarter bat is also backed by one brick with header touching quarter bat. Further a half bat and stretcher are placed to form double Flemish bond facing. The backing appears the same as facing Figure H. 

Double Flemish Bond Odd -Even Courses comparison

Queen closure placed in the even course beside the quoin header helps to bring about necessary course lap. So here it is quite evident that both backing and facing have same appearance.

Double Flemish Bond Isometric View

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  1. Aesthetic Appeal: Flemish bond is often preferred for its visually pleasing pattern, as it creates a uniform and attractive appearance on both sides of a wall, making it ideal for exposed brickwork. Check out the Pulse jet Filter
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  2. Strength Comparison: Although aesthetically superior to English bond, Flemish bond is generally considered weaker. This is due to its alternating header and stretcher pattern, which doesn't provide the same level of strength as the more solid English bond. Learn more about
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    Centralized Dust Collector india.

  3. Historical Significance: Flemish bond was widely used in the 17th and 18th centuries for its beauty and elegance, particularly in decorative brickwork for buildings and walls. Explore
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  4. Labor-Intensive Construction: Building a wall with Flemish bond requires more precise craftsmanship compared to English bond. The arrangement of headers and stretchers needs to be carefully planned, making it more time-consuming. For more on efficient manufacturing tools, check out
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  5. Durability Considerations: While aesthetically pleasing, the structural integrity of Flemish bond may not be as robust, which can be a factor to consider for load-bearing walls or in areas with high stress. Discover
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  6. Versatility in Design: Flemish bond allows for creative flexibility in design, as it can be combined with other types of brickwork to add variety to the overall appearance of a structure. Consider solutions like
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  7. Maintenance Needs: Due to the alternating brick pattern, Flemish bond walls may require more maintenance over time to ensure the bricks remain securely in place, especially in environments with harsh weather conditions. Get more information on
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